Title: How to prepare for a Disaster (bush-fire)
Introduction: Do you know how to prepare for a bush-fire?
Before a bush-fire
A bush-fire can occur anytime so you need to be ready. I bet you're
wondering how to survive through a bush-fire. You need to watch for
warning signs like smoke because a fireman won’t come to your door and
tell you to leave because that is unlikely to happen.
During a bush-fire
Bush-fires can start suddenly so you need to be prepared to act even if you do not
get a warning. Most people wait to be told what to do, expecting a
firefighter to knock on their door to tell them to leave which is
highly unlikely to happen. Do not wait for a warning before acting.
After a bush-fire
and listen for information on television, radio, the Internet and
recorded information lines to find out when an all clear advice has been
issued and if it is safe to return home. Firefighters will have been
working to cut down dangerous trees and make the area safe, but there
may still be some hazards in the area so be alert when you return home.
Watch out for downed power lines, fallen trees, low branches and burning
debris, and be careful of damaged infrastructure including walls,
bridges, roads and footpaths. If you are driving in the fire area you
should take extreme caution as emergency services personnel may be
continuing their work.
Bush-fires in Australia are frequently occurring since its very hot and dry climate.
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